Reclamation – “The act of returning something to a former, better state”.
Recovery – “The process of regaining possession or control of something lost”.
This blog is about both – reclaiming a proud but forlorn vintage Spartan and regaining my self.
Perhaps that sounds pretentious. Really, you say?…finding purpose in fixing a trailer? No, it is realistic. Pretentious is assigning wider significance to one’s actions or contributions. I’m not kidding myself. This probably won’t change your world one bit, but it could change mine. Because for the next year or three I will have an intention – an intention that fuels the little motor that gets me out of bed, inspires my creativity and focuses my mind. Intention is an antidote to the boredom that often plagues sobriety…that makes it feel pointless…or worse, hopeless.
The bonus? At the end of this I will have created a really awesome space – to enjoy, to share, to give.
But what is a blog anyway? According to the urban dictionary, a blog is:
“n. Short for weblog.
A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as “homework sucks” and “I slept until noon today.”.
Ha! While that is funny and maybe true, I will, nonetheless, persist with this project – but not with the illusion that anyone cares or is even reading – but with the belief that journaling – recording in written form my thoughts and deeds – is healthy for me. So a blog is really just a journal for showoffs. Guilty as charged. Apparently, my elementary school teachers were right.
Read this blog if you share my love for old things that have integrity, age well and deserve fixing. Or, follow me if you are recovering from hurts, habits or hangups that separated you from your authentic self. Either way, I welcome your interest and comments.
For questions or comments, please email me direct at I had to turn off the comment tool on this blog site because I was getting inundated with nonsensical posts in fractured English or totally irrelevant observations. Most likely the result of robots and spammers around the world attempting to extend their reach.
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