I started out yesterday puttering around the house listening to “Hamilton”, a most enjoyable soundtrack, the roots of which I explored briefly in Monday’s blog. But now we must move from the sublime to the ridiculous by delving into my efforts to weatherproof Sparta. OK, that’s not really ridiculous…maybe pedestrian is a better word. Yes, the subject of weatherstripping is bound to be dull but here we go.
I have been wrestling with various options to replace the rotted and useless weatherstripping framing all of Sparta’s operational windows. As I mentioned, there are over 25 windows and all but four open with a crank. That leaves, not counting the doors, 142 feet of weatherstripping, nearly half the length of a football field (or 1/2 of the minimum Futbol pitch for my son, Colin) for me to apply. There are countless varieties, shapes and compositions of weatherstripping to choose from and the costs vary as well. Pictured below are three that I purchased and have been experimenting with:

Which of these
For these ?
Initially, I framed a window with the 1/8 thickness pictured top left. Stupid me, I grossly underestimated the gap left between the windows and frames and bought 100′ (two rolls) of this stuff on Amazon (perhaps I will use it later to sound proof all of my cabinets for quiet operation). Needless to say, the thin stuff provided no insulation so I stepped it up to the 3/8″ thick neoprene (another 25′ roll). It worked better and the 1/2″ width was perfect. It cost me $.83 per foot on Amazon. Ultimately, though, I settled on door #3, the D-shaped stripping pictured on the bottom. Purchased for $.63 per foot at http://www.vintagetrailersupply.com (Medium D-seal, VTS-704), it is less expensive and for some inexplicable reason I like the air baffle. So the total cost of materials for the weatherstripping operation is about 90 bucks. Hey, it all adds up, so if you’re paying attention I just saved you the time and expense of heading down a couple of dead ends.
Before cutting and applying the self-adhering strip I undertook the laborious, multi-step process to prep the window frames. I used an oscillating sanding tool pictured below with both coarse and fine grains followed by steel wool of both coarse and medium thickness. The process removed all the oxidation, grime and old adhesive so I am confident this new stripping will stick around.

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By the way. When my brother came up to help me out last week, we jettisoned the two large appliances that have been in my way for weeks. We had to remove a large window to perform the extraction. Good riddance.

Bound for the scrap yard
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