We’ve all heard about or perhaps even endured living for a time amid home renovation projects. In the extreme it has cost marriages. Or maybe that’s a myth. In any case I can now attest to the fact that remodling a dwelling whilst living in it is especially hard on a couple. Since moving in two weeks ago my girlfriend, Cristina (previously pictured holding up a ceiling panel for me), has endured dust, noise, noxious fumes, peeing outside in the rain and sprinting to 7/11 for more personal hygeine. Food is a whole ‘nother subject. While these temporary inconveniences have not really bothered me up to now, I have to remind myself that one year ago she was living in a friend’s 45th floor penthouse in Miami. But she is being a trooper.

Cristina’s biggest complaint so far has been poor phone reception inside a metal box.
I continue to be challenged by inconsistent wood quality/color in birch 1/4″ paneling. On a few pieces which have been predominately which birch, the stain has not looked so great – turning out pale yellow instead of a richer honey hue. I have improvised and salvaged these irregular panels by painting them over with Minwax “Polyshades”, a tinted product that stains and polycoats at once. By using their Pecan product, I introduce a little red back into the color scheme, making these panels a better match. Though not perfect, they now work ok.

Before and after Minwax Polyshades Pecan. Bottom is the better result.

This is actually a tiny little can (8 oz.)
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